The April election is only a month away!

Make sure you have a plan to vote and encourage your friends and family members to do the same. Please feel free to use the voter guide at the link below, created by our partners at, to learn about the candidates and where they stand.

WIVEC invites you to print out the postcard at the link below and send to Wisconsin family, friends, and network members. The postcard asks fellow voters to VOTE NO on the constitutional amendment on the April 1 ballot.  WIVEC is focusing on relational outreach, as it is shown that voters listen to people they know when it comes to amendments and language that comes with them.

Wisconsin already has a strict voter ID law on the books. This constitutional amendment seeks to enshrine Wisconsin’s voter ID law in the state constitution. While the amendment would not significantly alter the current voter ID law, it would make it harder to remove the photo ID requirement and limit the court's ability to protect voters disenfranchised by the law.


As people of faith, we have always held the right to vote as a sacred obligation. The mobilized our faith communities in 2020 to help make sure every eligible voter was able to cast their vote. This work paid off as we saw the greatest voter turnout nationwide in US history. That turnout was a great victory for democracy. But there is more work to be done.

Wisconsin Interfaith Voter Engagement Campaign (WIVEC) mobilizes our faith communities to engage in the democratic process. We believe that this work will build increased understanding and stronger ties among different faith communities; increase involvement in the electoral process; and result in a greater understanding of the positive role faith communities can play in the public square. WIVEC is a non-partisan campaign committed to promoting voter engagement, sharing voter education opportunities, resisting voter suppression, and advocating for the rights of all Wisconsinites.


  • Since 2020, WIVEC has been the leader in the state-wide Wisconsin Poll Chaplain program.
    We offer our 2024 program in partnership with the Wisconsin Council of Churches.

  • WIVEC recruits, trains, and organizes clergy and faith leaders to serve as
    nonpartisan poll chaplains on Election Day.

  • Poll Chaplains provide a peaceful presence, a sense of security, and a calming influence at the polling site
    following all WI state voting guidelines.  

  • Faith leaders employ their pastoral and interpersonal skills with those present at the polls while monitoring the election site for any signs of voter intimidation or suppression.


  • Online training in nonpartisan guidelines, active bystander skills, and problem solving scenarios given by expert presenters - about a 90 minute commitment.

  • Chaplain identification vests, hats, and badges.

  • Prior communication with and relationship established with election clerks.

  • Election Day expert support and communication.


  • Who can serve as a poll chaplain? 
           We would prefer ordained clergy or faith leaders who have taken
           Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) or the equivalent.

  • What is the time commitment on Election Day? 
           You can choose the block of time that works for you.
           Ideally we would like you to be available at peak times -
           when the polls open, lunch time, and the last few hours of the day.

  • Who will I work with?  
           We encourage people to work in pairs.
           ​You can invite a nonpartisan colleague to work with you or we will try to find you a partner. ​